This is a bit slow of me, but I've started to use Instagram more frequently now ^^" and it's actually quite addicting! There's so many cool photos on there and I really like the hashtag search feature. It's really useful for seeing how other people style or use different things like accessories, clothes, bags, or even what they order at a specific restaurant lolol.
My username is @12thofjuly and here are some random photos from my page :).
'Heaven for everyone' @ Passionflower Dessert Culture
Watermelon, green apple, and mango sorbet from my favourite dessert place ever @ Via Del Corso
My most favourite candy on this planet! Pear flavoured happy beans @ Happy Lab!
Hello Kitty Swarovski Pen <3
My most worn jewellery at the moment ^^
Random crown ring discovery :P
Follow me on @12thofjuly for more frequent updates! :)))
Thank you for reading~ Have a great day!